Painting by Russian artist Andrei Andrianov

Painting by Russian artist Andrei Andrianov

Painting by Russian artist Andrei Andrianov
Petunia Pendula. Painting by Russian artist Andrei Andrianov

Russian artist Andrei Andrianov was born in Tirana, Albania, in 1955. In 1978 he graduated from Moscow Architectural Institute, followed in 1987 by the All-Union Academy of Foreign Trade. From 1990 to 1996 he traveled to India and Nepal. Currently the artist is living in a remote village near Moscow, learning charms of “the idiocy of rural life” and painting still life pictures, animal portraits and fantasies. His works are in private collections in Estonia, the USA, Germany, Switzerland, India, Israel, Ukraine and Russia.

Painting by Andrei Andrianov
Lilacs, still life. Painting by Andrei Andrianov

Works by Andrianov – an amazing lightness of refusal from the usual view of the surroundings: sly withdrawal from reality. For all of us, the artist provides an opportunity to make sure that the world is not so much poor and bad, and you can easily look at the world ironically. So, take a look! Why, for example, coffee pots can not fight or hug? We live obediently and ne’er-do, forgetting what it means in this world to stand by the point of view, going against its conscience, that is, against yourself. To freeze under dumb distant stars – a refusal to submit to a huge, stupid and terrible mechanism. Freeze in the field, and after a star shines – it means to choose your own path and follow it, and do not be afraid of it.

Russian artist Andrei Andrianov

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