Sex change to look like Britney Spears
First of all, Kody from Ohio, US, a true fan of Britney, has become Kara. A Britney Spears fan idolized the pop star so much that he had a $ 60,000 sex change to look like her. Transsexual Kara Hays, 26, born Kody, had the surgery in 2002 and also had breast implants to complete the look. Besides, she even claims she shaved her head after suffering a mental breakdown in 2007 at the same time as her pop idol, 31. Kara said that before the change Kody was often mistaken for a girl. She said: “When people told me they could see Britney in me, it was a huge compliment. At the age of 15 his parents allowed him to see a doctor and he was diagnosed with gender dysphoria in 1999 and began taking female hormones. Over the next few years he sprouted breasts, began to freely dress as a woman and changed his name to Kara.