Space gemstone meteorite Fukang
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Space gemstone meteorite Fukang

Space gemstone meteorite Fukang
Gemstone meteorite from outer space – one of the greatest finds of the century. Beautiful Gemstone meteorite Fukang

Beautiful Gemstone meteorite Fukang
Noteworthy, it is the most beautiful meteorite ever found on Earth. Thirteen years ago, in 2000 it was found near the Chinese city of Fukang, north-western mountainous region of Xinjiang. The iron meteorite with striking patches of olivine crystals weighed 2.211 kg. These blotches are marked only 1% of all meteorites being found on the surface of the Earth. Gemstone meteorite from outer space was named one of the greatest finds of the century. On February 2005 the meteorite was taken to the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show. Later the mysterious meteorite was investigated in Meteorite Center, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, University of Arizona in Tucson. The Fukang pallasite contains large, gem quality olivine, or peridot, in a nickel-iron matrix.

meteorite Fukang
Olivines vary in shape from rounded to angular, many are fractured and they range in size from less than five millimeters to several centimeters.

Gemstone meteorite’s attraction to collectors lies in its exceptional display of “large, highly refractive translucent olivine crystals”, described by Bonhams as “unmatched by other pallasites”.

Space gemstone meteorite Fukang

meteorite Fukang
The Gemstone meteorite has since been divided into slices which give the effect of stained glass when the sun shines through them.
meteorite Fukang
In April 2008, Bonhams offered the main mass for auction at their Manhattan auction. Bonhams expected to fetch two million U.S. dollars, but the lot remained unsold
Space gemstone meteorite Fukang
Space gemstone meteorite Fukang is considered the most beautiful meteorite ever found on Earth
Space gemstone meteorite Fukang
The owner of the beautiful Fukang meteorite, Marvin Kilgore of the University of Arizona’s Southwest Meteorite Centre said, – “Some people want it on their shelves, I guess.”