Beauty will save

Beauty in everything

Surrealistic painting by Igor Morski

Surrealistic painting by Igor Morski

Green minded brain. Surrealistic painting by Igor Morski, Polish artist

Surrealistic painting by Igor Morski
Born June 11th, 1960 in Poznan, Polish graphic artist, illustrator, scenographer Igor Morski has created an amazing gallery of surrealistic paintings. These amazing surrealistic paintings show us completely different world of a man – nature’s creation. Well-composed, these paintings demonstrate great talent and surreal mastery of the artist. As a result, his works decorate various magazines and publications, featured in prominent journals. Besides, Igor Morski received various awards for his stunning work at different art exhibitions.

Surrealistic painting by Polish artist Igor Morski

Seagulls and two halves of the head

Tree wheel. Surrealistic painting by Polish artist Igor Morski

Tree wheel. Surrealistic painting by Polish artist

Igor Morski painting

Reflection in the water. Surrealistic painting

Igor Morski painting

An eagle over the pond

Igor Morski painting

Leaking man

Igor Morski painting

Carrying a rock

Igor Morski painting

Torn body

Igor Morski painting

Insect man

Igor Morski painting

Flying head

Igor Morski painting

Beautiful green head

Igor Morski