The park at the bottom of Green Lake
The park at the bottom of Green Lake
Located in Styria, Austria near the town of Tragos, the lake sits at the foot of snow-capped Hochschwab mountains. The name “Green Lake” is due to its emerald green water. The specifics of it is that throughout the frozen winter months the area is almost completely dry and used as a gorgeous county park. Meanwhile, it is a particular favorite site for hikers. But when the temperatures begin to rise in spring, the ice and snow on the mountaintops begins to melt and runs down into the basin of land below.
The park with ice-cold crystal clear water, which gets its distinctive green coloring from the grass and foliage beneath. The waters are at their highest in June, and the level reaches as much as 10 meters. And this is when it becomes a mecca for divers keen to explore the rare phenomenon, before the waters recede at the end of July.
The lake is a well known hiking and diving destination in Tragoess, Steiermark (Austria). Water levels are differing strongly during the year. In spring the lake is filling with water from underground springs, coming from melting snow from the surrounding mountains. The region being a karst type, there is no surface river carrying sediments into the lake. All the water is coming from little springs and is crystal clear, but cold. Water levels are rising from, maybe 1 or 2 m in winter to 8 or 10 m in early June. During a period of several weeks, starting from may to end of June, depending on the weather, diving there is great! In June/July the water levels are going down fast because a little river carries away the overflow.
The park at the bottom of Green Lake