Thierry Duval hyper realistic watercolors

Thierry Duval hyper realistic watercolors

Thierry Duval hyper realistic watercolors
Beautiful evening after the rain. French artist Thierry Duval hyper realistic watercolors

Thierry Duval hyper realistic watercolors
Born in Paris, France in 1968, Thierry Duval is a talented artist. His watercolors are amazingly hyper realistic, like photographs. By using glazing technique he works in several steps up to get the final, very realistic result. According to Duval, he is a sensitive and accurate observer of nature and the city. In particular, he depicts Paris in depth with its streets, buildings, cats, bridges, and all you can imagine about this wonderful city. The artist has exhibited his art works in France and abroad. Besides, he received awards for his wonderful works several times.

French artist Thierry Duval
Embankment. painting by French artist

Thierry Duval hyper realistic watercolors

Morning in the city. Hyper realistic painting by French artist Thierry Duval
Morning in the city. realistic painting by French artist Duval
French artist Thierry Duval
Flow of people. realistic watercolors by French artist
French artist Thierry Duval
Street in summer. watercolors
French artist Thierry Duval
Fountain. watercolors
French artist Thierry Duval
Tourist Agency
French artist Thierry Duval
French artist Thierry Duval
Morning mist
French artist Thierry Duval
Night cafe. realistic watercolors
French artist Thierry Duval
Autumn in the city
French artist Thierry Duval
The river and bridge
French artist Thierry Duval
Narrow street
French artist Thierry Duval
Walking along the bridge
French artist Thierry Duval
French artist Thierry Duval
Fall. realistic watercolors
French artist Thierry Duval
Architecture in the beautiful cityscape
French artist Thierry Duval
The dawn in the city. Hyper realistic watercolors by French artist
French artist Thierry Duval
Eiffel Tower
French artist Thierry Duval
Walking along the street woman
French artist Thierry Duval
Paris at night
French artist Thierry Duval
A yard. realistic watercolors by French artist

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