Vadim Stolyarov painting without paints

Vadim Stolyarov painting without paints

Vadim Stolyarov painting without paint
St. Michael’s Cathedral. Izhevsk. Glass, exclusive technique (70cm x 60cm). 2011. Vadim Stolyarov painting without paint

Vadim Stolyarov painting without paint
Creative artist from Izhevsk, Russia, Vadim Stolyarov has his own unique style of painting. Born 16 October 16, 1969, Stolyarov grew up in Kazan. He is a member of the Professional Union of Artists of Russia.
Many of his paintings are in private collections in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, USA, England, Germany, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, and New Zealand.
Noteworthy, all the paintings from 2012 onwards … are completely made of palette knife. In fact, he is the author of the technique of painting known as “behind the glass”, without use of paints. Supposedly, it’s something like stained glass. Besides, according to the artist, it’s impossible to make the same painting again.

Painting without paints by Russian artist Vadim Stolyarov
The birth of a star. Painting behind the glass without the use of paints. According to the artist, repeat is not possible

Vadim Stolyarov painting without paint

Russian artist Vadim Stolyarov
A jump into a sunny morning. Personal author’s technique – painting behind the glass. 2011
Russian artist Vadim Stolyarov
Muza fashion (sketch to the picture). 2011
Russian artist Vadim Stolyarov
Russian artist Vadim Stolyarov
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The dawn butterfly
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Planet of dreams
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Afternoon butterfly
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Russian artist Vadim Stolyarov
Russian artist Vadim Stolyarov
Russian artist Vadim Stolyarov
Russian artist Vadim Stolyarov
Kul-Sharif. Creation
Russian artist Vadim Stolyarov
Night Kazan

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