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Little Aluna miniature antelope

Little Aluna miniature antelope, born in zoological garden in Cheshire, England

Born in zoological garden in Cheshire, England, little Aluna miniature antelope

There are 4 types of these babies. Most animals live in limestone and rocky deserts and in savannas, where thorny bushes grow in abundance. Dik-dik basically hide in dense bushes, and it is almost impossible to meet them in open space. They build their own paths and tunnels, which only them can pass. A larger animal cannot fit there. They are not afraid of either hyenas or leopards – no large predators. Although dik-dik is not the smallest antelope, its body length is only 45 cm, and its height does not exceed 35 cm. They weigh only 2 kg, there are also larger species, but their weight does not exceed 5 kg. This animal is very reminiscent of a funny toy. Charming image – complemented by slender thin legs and a sharp little face with a small funny frowning nose.

Little Aluna miniature antelope

Recently born a calf of one of the smallest antelopes, dik-dik antelope, has become a sensation of the zoological garden in Cheshire, England. Meanwhile, the new born female antelope got the nickname Little Aluna. Unfortunately, her mother did not show any interest in her after giving birth. So, one of the zoo workers Tim Rowlands started looking after her. Accordingly, cute Aluna is always with him, even when he is working at the computer. Besides, she enjoys running around the desk, tapping with her tiny hooves.
Noteworthy, the miniature antelope Dik-dik lives exclusively on the African continent. In fact, the smallest representatives of these animals can easily fit in the palm of an adult man. Also, cute animal Dik-dik can live for up to 10 years. By the way, Miniature antelopes are monogamous.

Little Aluna - miniature antelope, born in zoological garden in Cheshire, England

Tiny antelope Aluna known as dik-dik antelope

Little Aluna - miniature antelope, born in zoological garden in Cheshire, England

Dik-dik lives exclusively on the African continent. Cute Aluna – miniature antelope, born in zoological garden in Cheshire, England

Little Aluna - miniature antelope, born in zoological garden in Cheshire, England

The smallest representatives of these animals can easily fit in the palm of an adult man

Little Aluna - miniature antelope, born in zoological garden in Cheshire, England

Undoubtedly, newly born in Cheshire zoological garden Aluna has become a sensation

Little Aluna - miniature antelope, born in zoological garden in Cheshire, England

The new born female antelope got the nickname Little Aluna

Little Aluna - miniature antelope, born in zoological garden in Cheshire, England

According to biologists, Dik-dik can live for up to 10 years. Wonderful miniature antelope from zoological garden in Cheshire, England
