Beauty will save

Beauty in everything

Vicente Romero Redondo and his tender women

Vicente Romero Redondo and his tender women

Portrait of a woman at the window. Vicente Romero Redondo and his tender women

Vicente Romero Redondo and his tender women
born in 1956 in Madrid, Vicente Romero Redondo dreamed of art and painting from early childhood. After high school, Vicente Romero began studying at the “San Fernando” Art School, the most prestigious art school in Spain. In particular, Salvador Dali studied there from 1922 to 1926). Meanwhile, in the late 80s, Romero and his wife moved to Costa Brava (birthplace of Dali), and began a new phase in his creative life.
Here he found the main inspiration for his artworks. Beauty of the Mediterranean, the wonderful landscape, a house with a patio, where he lived, the beauty of models were ideal conditions for his paintings.

Vicente Romero

Morning bed. Beautiful women in painting by Spanish artist Vicente Romero

Vicente Romero Redondo and his tender women

Mother and child. Painting by Spanish artist Vicente Romero

Mother and child

Summer garden. Painting by Spanish artist Vicente Romero

Summer garden

Vicente Romero

Women in paintings by Spanish artist Vicente Romero Redondo

Vicente Romero

Two women, painting by Spanish artist Redondo

Vicente Romero

A young woman with a parasol

Vicente Romero


Vicente Romero

Dance class. Painting by Spanish artist Vicente Romero Redondo

Vicente Romero

Reading a letter

Vicente Romero

Breakfast table

Vicente Romero

Notes from a book

Vicente Romero

Delicate painting by Spanish artist Redondo

Vicente Romero

Reading a book

Vicente Romero

Lady in red

Vicente Romero


Vicente Romero


Vicente Romero

On the balcony

Vicente Romero

Warm waters

Vicente Romero

On the veranda

Vicente Romero

Waiting for someone

Vicente Romero

Blue window

Vicente Romero


Vicente Romero

Sunny morning

Vicente Romero

Summer time. Women in paintings by Spanish artist