Extraordinary pictures of America as it has never been seen before
America as it has never been seen before
Stunning set of pictures shows America as it has never been seen before. These picturesque CGI images reveal what the nation looks like from the skies. And how its transport and communication infrastructures work to power the vast nation on a daily basis. Replicated in breathtaking detail, everything from the routes taken by Manhattan pizza delivery drivers on a Friday night to Domino’s Pizza truck movement across the country.
Domino’s Pizza network. Truck movements supplying Domino’s Pizza network, which shows how pizza customers in Manhattan are fed ingredients supplied via a supply hub in Connecticut. That hub is in turn supplied Pizza dough, peppers, mushrooms and tomatoes by fleets of satellite tracked, refrigerated trucks
America as it has never been seen before
These lines show the unpublicised transportation of dead bodies, some clearly being repatriated to their home states from the U.S.’s retirement mecca state of FloridaThe route of a family-run combine harvesting business as they zig zag across the U.S.,and the U.S. electricity network laid bareGPS trails reveal the routes taken by cycling pizza delivery riders on one Friday night in Manhattan.This image shows what comes in and what goes out, foodwise, of the nationUnited States is the world’s third largest country by both population and land areaThe major airport hubs are clearly visibleNew YorkA visual representation of the nation’s wind resourceA visual representation of the nation’s wind resource where thousands of high-tech sensorsproduce invaluable data to help locate wind powered electricityThe U.S. electricity seen as never before, with its cities connected through a vast networkThe number of job losses in the U.S. chronicled in this stunning imageThe vast array of towers across the U.S. that enable almost anyone to communicate or connect to the internet, wirelessly