Bead Artists Robin and Thom

Bead Artists Robin and Thom
According to Robin Atkins, she created her first beading when was a Girl Scout. Her task was to do some loom bead work in the style and pattern of Native American Indians. Interestingly, when she was already 45 years old, she rediscovered beads. Within a year, Robin quit her job and started working with beads full time. Meanwhile, during the early years she taught beading classes and traveled to Europe and China to buy beads. In addition, she learned everything she could about bead making and ethnic bead work, and sold beads in her studio. Twenty years later, at age 65, Robin is still in love with beads! Robin lives in the northwest corner of the USA on an island off the coast of Washington state.
“In the wide world of beads, everyone can find a niche, as historian, researcher, teacher, author, artist, or entrepreneur. But there are a handful of multi talented individuals who manage to embrace it all. Robin Atkins is one of those few. Whether following a meandering line of bugle beads across a swatch of fabric, or hunting glass bead-making industries in Eastern Europe, Robin responds unconditionally to the lure of beads. As a teacher, she advocates a spontaneous approach, a wholehearted surrender to the medium”. Published in Bead work Magazine (June/July 2002)
Bead Artists Robin and Thom