Beautiful actress Sharon Stone
Beautiful actress Sharon Stone
Beautiful former fashion model and actress Sharon Stone first achieved international recognition for her role in the erotic thriller “Basic Instinct” directed by Paul Verhoeven. In the interview August 5, 2013 American actress Sharon Stone shares her thoughts about beauty and being beautiful. “In the beginning, I had to learn how to be beautiful on film. That wasn’t something that came easy to me either. I was a college student since I was fifteen, and I learned how to get out of bed and put my very thick glasses on, and go to class and do college and high school together. And that’s a lot of work. And even when I was modeling, I wasn’t that comfortable with myself, I was a little bit heavy, I was a little bit not good at that, and I had to learn the art of how to be beautiful. I had to learn how to be that, and that took a lot of discipline for me and that was something that I learned how to do.
About her as Dorothy Boreman, in the film “Lovelace”:
And I think that when I accept a character, I don’t accept it because it has nice clothes or it’s pretty, I accept it because it’s a really interesting character. As you know, I like these complex characters, I like these characters that walk a line, that are not black and white. Characters that are difficult, and intriguing and sometimes strange, so I didn’t pick this character because how it looked, in fact I didn’t really think about it until we got to work.
I think Dorothy Boreman had an exceptionally difficult childhood. Her mother died when she was either born or an infant, she was raised by a very tyrannical father, she got pregnant out of wedlock when she was young and was on her own, and I think that her faith was
something that she clung to like a life raft in a stormy sea. She was impoverished to an extreme degree, during a war time, she didn’t have mom, she didn’t have the guy that was the father of her child, she just didn’t have anything and then this really lovely guy came along and married her and she clung to him and I think that’s one of the reasons why she felt so strongly that if you love a guy and he wants to marry you, you are so lucky, because she wanted it to be like the guy who showed up for her.
About faith:
My faith is a big part of my life. I have a strong faith in a higher power, in a spirit that is personal to me, and I am also a Buddhist, and that is a very grounding aspect of my life and a discipline that has really worked for me.
About age:
I have never been a person who lied about my age. I always thought that was sort of stupid. And it should be something, to my mind’s eye, that we grow into and something, I mean, it is what’s happening, and I think it’s something that we strive to become, is the logical reality.
Also, we are all living longer. We are all going to live a lot longer than generations before us. So it isn’t really like just middle age anymore, it’s the beginning of what we are going to do with the second half of our lives. We can live, sometimes to 100 years old, it’s not that outlandish. So what are you going to do with this whole second half of your life now?
So to not portray these people in film is an absurdest concept. What are we doing now? We
are living, we are making love, we are having partners, we are having jobs, we are in society,
we are having businesses, we are having new love affairs, we are living in other countries,
we are traveling.
About the 1970s:
Well also, such a different time. The 70s is a different period, this was when we were really
in the revolution, the sexual revolution, and we are all, I think the majority of us in here are all old enough to have been in this era, and it was a different style then, it was a different style of parenting, and a different style of communication, and I am sure the majority of us had a parent who would have said I am going to knock you into next week or the father who took the belt off. Who had a father who took the belt off and snapped the belt? My father would snap the belt, and we knew when he snapped the belt that we better do what we were supposed to do.
And we never even heard of a time out, time outs were invented in this generation. No one ever said you are going to have a time out or can you imagine if that mother opened the door and said, “I am going to give you a time out!” (laughter) You don’t come in the middle of the night, there will be consequences to this action, I am taking your IPad. But at the same time, dinner was on the table every night. And, there was family dinners and family conversation and family time, and you had to meet the person’s boyfriend, and you had to talk and now, is there a family dinner every night?
About herself as a mother:
Well I would say I am a pretty square parent. I would say that I expect my kids to have dinner
at the table every night, I expect them to finish their homework before anything else, and my
kids go to a pretty square school, my kids go to a Christian Science School, we are not
Christian Scientists, but I am a Buddhist and the Christian Science thing is pretty close,
because they don’t do drugs or alcohol, they don’t do contemporary medicine, which we do.
But they are very all-natural, very wholesome, they say the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag in the morning and they have morning prayer, which I like.
I like a sense of integrity, they study integrity and discipline and responsibility, self-respect, the kids have to get up and speak in front of their class, they are not just buried in their electronics. They have fifty acres on top of Mulholland, there’s a lot of sports, and outdoor things, the parents are very involved in the school activities, which I like a lot. I really want my kids to have an innocent childhood and a wholesome childhood. I think that’s very, very important.
I am a big hugger. We start our day with what I call morning hugs, cause my kids are three boys, they get out of bed like rockets and we always say, morning hugs first. And my children started the day today, they knew I had this big day, and they made me breakfast in bed. And they made heart shaped pancakes for all of us, and they brought their pancakes and my pancakes and we had breakfast in bed today and you know, when your children are thoughtful when they are little, because my two little ones, my thirteen year old is at my sisters right now building a tree house, and when your little ones are thoughtful, and they know you have a big day and they make you breakfast in bed, that’s when you feel as a parent that you are doing okay, because they are giving. And when children are giving, when they know how to give, when boys know how to give, that’s something that’s a beautiful kind of love, that’s a special thing, and it was wonderful. It was a wonderful, wonderful morning, a wonderful thing.
About happiness:
I have really come to understand that happiness is a discipline, and it’s something that you have to choose each day, it’s like your workout, you have to choose and when you find yourself falling off track, you have to discipline yourself back to happiness, you have to say, does this thing make me happy, does it make me unhappy? And let the negative things go out of your life and say, I might think that that looks like love or looks like goodness, but is it really bringing happiness to me and to my family, and to my life? And if it isn’t, you have to release it with love and with grace.
And keep the things that are really, actually bringing happiness, and there’s a great book by the Dalai Lama called The Art of Happiness that explains that the pleasure is the thing for right now, and happiness is the thing that sustains and that we have to be strong enough not to just go for pleasure but go for the real happiness, the thing that has a core to it, the thing that has sustainability in it and for me, maturity is choosing those happy things and continuing to choose them.
And my personal life is personal. As a public figure, I don’t believe that talking about my private life is something that I have to do.
August 5, 2013 Sharon Stone was interviewed by the journalists of the Hollywood foreign press association on her participation in the 2013 American biographical drama film “Lovelace”. The interview is at the disposal of editorial of Russian newspaper “Kopeysky worker”. The credit should be given to the chief editor of the newspaper, Dmitry Sogrin, who has emailed it to me in September 2013.
Beautiful actress Sharon Stone