Beautiful mosaic of Church of the Annunciation

Beautiful mosaic of Church of the Annunciation
Amazing open art gallery decorates the courtyard of the Basilica of the Annunciation, a Church in Nazareth of northern Israel. The stunningly beautiful mosaic icons depict the Blessed Virgin and Biblical scenes. In fact, all the icons are gifts from about Christian communities around the world. About 50 countries sent their view of Mary with baby Jesus in mosaic, reliefs, and paintings. Downstairs are the old church and the archaeological finds. This is a very beautiful church, open to anyone. Besides, Basilica of the Annunciation contains a lot of nice windows with stained glass. The gardens around it are also beautiful and worth visiting. Undoubtedly, the visit to the church will be unforgettable for years to come.

Unique open gallery around the church represents the mosaic image of the Virgin, donated by various countries of the world. The List of mosaic gifts includes about 50 countries, and in particular, Czechoslovakia, Honduras, Italy, Ecuador, Philippines, Ukraine, Nazareth, Bolivia, Andorra, Vatican, Ireland, Egypt, Singapore, Romania, Uruguay, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, and many more. Interestingly, there is even a mosaic from the community of Esperanto learners and Guides and Scouts organization.
Beautiful mosaic of Church of the Annunciation
