Heroes of the American civil war. Chess world by Leonid Golovko
Chess world by Leonid Golovko
Talented Chess master Leonid Golovko makes people watching his amazing chess figures admire his artistic talent and knowledge of history. In his gallery there are chess sets of important historical battles – Borodino (Russian-French war), Poltava (Russian-Sweden war), Heroes of the American civil war, and Great Patriotic War “We have won” (WWII). Leonid Golovko has participated in exhibitions in Moscow, Minsk, Saint Petersburg, Amsterdam, Leipzig, Elista, Dubai, Berlin, Washington, Warsaw, Krakow, and Rostov-on-Don since 1991. His works are found in many galleries in the world and private collections of the most outstanding politicians, and businessmen. Leonid lives and works in Minsk.
Stunning chess set ‘Borodino’, 1991
Gift chess set “Borodino”, 1991. Chess pieces 13-17 cm. Porcelain, glaze, gilding, Platinum, chandeliers. The battle of Borodino, the largest battle of the Patriotic War of 1812, between Russian and French armies. It was on 7 September (26 August old style), 1812 near the village of Borodino, 125 km west of Moscow. Napoleon said: “from all my battles the worst was at Moscow”. Beautiful Set of chess ‘Battle of Vienna’
Set of chess pieces “Vienna”. Battle of Vienna took place 11 and September 12, 1683. Each figure from King to pawn is a real historical character with detailed and accurate facial portrayal, arms and uniforms. All pieces are hand painted porcelain with glaze and gilding, titanium sputtering.
Exquisite Chess world by Leonid Golovko
Chess set ‘Borodino’, 1991‘Borodino’ chess set, 1991Hero of ‘Borodino’, 1991Solder figurines, ‘Borodino’, 1991Handmade chess set ‘Borodino’, 1991Set ‘Borodino’, 19911991 work. Gift chess set ‘Borodino’, 1991Each figure from King to pawn is a real historical character with detailed and accurate facial portrayal, arms and uniforms. Gift chess set ‘Borodino’, 1991A real historical character in chess set ‘Borodino’, 1991Warriors of French – Russian war of 1812‘Battle of Vienna’. Set of chessSet of chess ‘Battle of Vienna’Battle of Vienna figureHorse figure. Set of chess ‘Battle of Vienna’Vienna Battle chess figureAmazing work of art. ‘Battle of Vienna’The second world war (1939-1945). ‘We have won’Iosif Stalin and officers of the second world war (1939-1945). ‘We have won’German armyHistorical battle chess setSoviet Army. The second world war (1939-1945). ‘We have won’From the chess set of WWII (1939-1945). ‘We have won’Stalin vs HitlerNazi armyFearless Soviet warriorsAdmiral KutuzovAncient RusArmageddon ChessThe crusades handpaintedMichael Jackson chess setTalented Chess master Leonid GolovkoMinsk based Chess master Leonid Golovko‘Poltava’ chess. Porcelain, glaze, gilding, PlatinumPeter the Great and his warriors at ‘Poltava’. Porcelain, glaze, gilding, PlatinumRussian Emperor Peter I. Porcelain, glaze, gilding, PlatinumBattle of ‘Poltava’. Porcelain, glaze, gilding, PlatinumHistory of Russia in chess set ‘Poltava’Napoleon and Kutuzov‘Heroes of the American civil war’, 1998Tthe American civil war’, 1998Porcelain chess set on the American civil war’, 1998‘Peter the great’, 1998