Gustav Klimt is 150

Gustav Klimt is 150

Gustav Klimt is 150
Austrian symbolist painter Gustav Klimt is 150 (July 14, 1862 – February 6, 1918)

Gustav Klimt is 150
Born on July 14, 1862, Austrian symbolist painter Gustav Klimt would be 150 today. He grew in Baumgarten, near Vienna in Austria-Hungary. His works include paintings, murals, sketches, and other art objects. However, Klimt’s primary subject was the female body and his works – marked by a frank eroticism. Meanwhile, Austria is going to celebrate the 150th birthday of Klimt with special exhibitions all over the city. Also, guided walking tours through the city will allow people to see some of the buildings where Klimt worked. In addition, Google commemorated Gustav Klimt by a Doodle celebrating Klimt’s painting: The Kiss on his 150th Birthday.

Gustav Klimt is 150
The Tree of Life, 1909

In nearly every culture Tree of Life is an important symbol. With its branches reaching into the sky, and roots deep in the earth, it dwells in three worlds- a link between heaven, the earth, and the underworld, uniting above and below. It is both a feminine symbol, bearing sustenance, and a masculine, visibly phallic symbol- another union.

Gustav Klimt is 150

Painting by Gustav Klimt
Sea Serpents by Gustav Klimt. The original masterpiece oil painting was painted in 1907
Painting by Gustav Klimt
Adele Bloch-Bauer I, which sold for a record $135 million in 2006. Neue Galerie, New York
Painting by Gustav Klimt
Avenue in Schloss Kammer Park, 1912, Belvedere, Vienna
Painting by Gustav Klimt
Eugenia Primavesi (1913–14)
Painting by Gustav Klimt
Cottage in Atterse. Painting by Gustav Klimt
Painting by Gustav Klimt
Poppy field. Galerie Belvedere, Vienna. 1907
Painting by Gustav Klimt
Romeo and Juliet at London’s Globe Theatre (fresco)
Painting by Gustav Klimt
Roses under the trees
Painting by Gustav Klimt
Schubert at the piano. 1899
Painting by Gustav Klimt
Stoclet Frieze. Austrian Museum of Applied Arts, Vienna. 1905-09
Painting by Gustav Klimt
The Hall of the old palace theater in Vienna
Painting by Gustav Klimt
Famous Austrian painter Gustav Klimt
Painting by Gustav Klimt
Hope II, 1907-1908, Museum of Modern Art
Painting by Gustav Klimt
Judith and the Head of Holofernes, 1901. Österreichische Galerie Belvedere, Vienna
Painting by Gustav Klimt
Lady with a Fan. 1917-18
Painting by Gustav Klimt
Mäda Gertrude Primavesi, 1912, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City
Painting by Gustav Klimt
The Friends, 1916-17, (later destroyed)
Painting by Gustav Klimt
The Kiss 1907–1908. Oil on canvas. Esterreichische Galerie Belvedere

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