Kazan Metro beautiful architecture
Art Life style

Kazan Metro beautiful architecture

Kazan Metro beautiful architecture
Opened on August 27, 2005 during the celebration of the 1000th anniversary of the capital, Kazan Metro beautiful architecture

Kazan Metro beautiful architecture
A rapid-transit system that serves the capital city of Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia opened on August 27, 2005. In fact, it has become the newest system in Russia, seventh in Russia, and 15th in the former USSR. At present, the Kazan Metro is a single-line system that stretches nearly ten kilometers and has seven stations. As the newest of all Russian systems, it is also the most modern of them, with exceptionally beautiful underground architecture and design. Smart-card ticketing and semi-automated train drive are features that at the time were just being introduced in selected Moscow stations.
By the way, its first passengers were Russian President Vladimir Putin, Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev and Tatarstan President Mintimer Shaimiev.

Beautiful architecture of Kazan Underground
Chandelier. Beautiful architecture of Kazan Underground

Kazan is the “third” capital of Russia, having cheerfully celebrated its 1000th anniversary, modern and archaic at the same time. Perhaps this is the most unpredictable city in the whole country, because here, as in a large cauldron (or kazan, to be precise), mixed not only the culture of the East and the West, but also religion, mentality, and history. For example, the ancient Kremlin, founded in the 12th century decorates the one bank of the river Kazanka. And on the other – futuristic skyscrapers of the 21st century. Side by side stand the mosque and the Orthodox church, and hurrying to the service, there are girls of both religions in scarves. They are also funny tweeting with each other in the evening in a European-looking coffee house. On the streets there are cats, carriages and – all of a sudden! – the Kazan drake, of course, in the form of monuments. Noteworthy, the subway stops are announced in three languages ​​- and one of them is English.

Kazan Metro beautiful architecture

There are 16 escalators in the Kazan metro
There are 16 escalators
All stations have two lobbies with exits to the city
All stations have two lobbies with exits to the city
Paintings and mosaics decorate the walls
Paintings and mosaics decorate the walls
Blue escalator
Blue escalator
Marble, polished granite, mosaic, decorated lamps and other decorating original architectural elements stylized from classic to high-tech
Marble, polished granite, mosaic, decorated lamps and other decorating original architectural elements stylized from classic to high-tech
Stunningly beautiful interior
Stunningly beautiful interior
Fragment of mosaic panno
Fragment of mosaic panno
Tuqay Square station
Tuqay Square station
Mermaid mosaic panno
Mermaid mosaic panno
Picture gallery
Picture gallery
From ten stations – 4 in high-tech style
From ten stations – 4 in high-tech style
Lamps – detail of decoration
Lamps – detail of decoration
In the Kazan underground
In the Kazan underground
Station “Prospekt Pobedy”
Station “Prospekt Pobedy”
Wall clocks
Wall clocks
The views of Kazan Underground
The views of Kazan Underground
Decorated with mosaics walls
Decorated with mosaics walls
the history of Kazan in the mosaic panno
Based on the history of Kazan mosaic panno
Design of Kazan Underground
Design of Kazan Underground
Element of decor
Element of decor
Gorgeous interior of Kazan Underground
Gorgeous interior of Kazan Underground
Underground system of Kazan
Underground system of Kazan
Kazan Metro beautiful architecture
Geometry in design
Art elements of Kazan Underground
Art elements of Kazan Underground
Magnificent architecture of Kazan Underground
Magnificent architecture of Kazan Underground
The lamp
The lamp
Recognized as the safest in Russia, Kazan Underground
Recognized as the safest in Russia, Kazan Underground
The first subway in Russia built after the collapse of the USSR
The first subway in Russia built after the collapse of the USSR
Subway in Kazan
Subway in Kazan
Opened in 2005 Kazan Metro
Opened in 2005 Kazan Metro
The wall decorated with mosaics
The wall decorated with mosaics


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