Beautiful Laburnum golden chain tunnels. The trees are planted in front of each other and directed along the arc, thus forms the magnificent yellow canopy over the head
Laburnum golden chain tunnels
This beautiful plant has a name Laburnum, in Russia it is “bobovnik”. The plant Laburnum has a poetic name golden chain, due to the yellow color of its flowers. Cultivated as ornamental trees for gardens and parks, picturesque Laburnum tunnels is the amazing creativity of nature and man. Its seed looks like pea, but in fact they are poisonous. The species of Laburnum grow in the mountains of southern Europe from France to the Balkan Peninsula. Noteworthy, people used Laburnum for making musical instruments – recorders, flutes, and bagpipes.
Beautiful tunnels of golden chain Laburnum. Walking in such a beautiful tunnel, along with aesthetic pleasure, has a positive therapeutic effect on the psychological and physical condition of a person
Meanwhile, in the TV mystery series Mother Love, Helena (Diana Rigg) muses over what plant she should use to poison a pair of children. Next, she she chooses the laburnum, saying, “Laburnum! Such a pretty tree – and so many of them!” Tourist attraction Laburnum golden chain tunnels
In the Doctor Who serial “The Mark of the Rani”, the Sixth Doctor suggests that if the Master turned into a tree, it would be a laburnum, because they have poisonous pods.
Laburnum golden chain tunnels
Very bright yellow color of flowering plant combined with pale purple or blue flowers gives beautiful effectDecorative plant LaburnumImpressive golden chain LaburnumPicturesque tunnels of golden chain LaburnumLaburnum tunnelGolden chain Laburnum tunnelWonderful golden chain LaburnumBi-colored Laburnum leaves: the upper part – dark green, and the bottom – grayishGarden Laburnum – undemanding plant and if to create optimal growing conditions, it will delight with abundant, bright blooms for decadesTourist attraction Laburnum tunnelMost winter-hardy species, the plant can withstand temperatures to – 25 degrees. Besides, this kind tolerates air pollution, so often used in decorating the city parksA narrow, irregularly shaped crown, brown greenish color of trunk, and smooth barkThe tree can grow up to seven metersDue to the fact that the leaves, fruits and flowers of Laburnum are poisonous, pests and diseases avoid itAgainst the background of coniferous trees (arborvitae, fir or juniper) or dark green plants, “Golden rain” looks niceFlowering tree has stunning looks and often used by landscape designers in the design of parks, gardens, front gardens, terraces, lawns and hedgesIn fact, flowering lasts for about 25 days. Then, the petals fall and formed fruits resemble beans