Museum of optical illusions in South Korea

Noteworthy, Museum of optical illusions in South Korea is not an ordinary museum. It is a paradise both for photographers and those who adores to be photographed. However, if you do not like any tricks, just stay away from the trick eye museum. Besides, very serious individuals may also ignore it. Generally, if you do not like to act like a complete idiot in front of the lens, you can hardly enjoy this museum. The main purpose of this “museum”, in particular, provide the backdrop for fun photos. Meanwhile, you can feel like a real knight and rescue the maiden from the evil dragon. In fact, the museum is huge, and it develops the imagination and sense of humor.
By the way, there are three popular trick eye museums in South Korea, one in Seoul, and two others – in Busan and on Jeju Island. They offer setups for funny photos. You can have your photo taken while preparing to be eaten by a giant four-headed serpent, launching an Angry Bird, riding a centaur or picking up a giant piece of sushi. If you love goofy photos, you can hardly find get better place than this. And if you haven’t taken a camera with you, they offer digital camera rentals for just $9.
Museum of optical illusions in South Korea