Museum of World Funeral Culture in Siberia, Russia

Museum of World Funeral Culture in Siberia
The unique Museum has recently appeared in Novosibirsk, Russia. Created by Sergei Yakushin, a local businessman – the founder of the Novosibirsk crematorium, the museum features the World Funeral Culture. In particular, memorial culture items related to the beginning of the XIX and XX century. Among the thousands of exhibits – hundreds of mourning dresses of the XIX century, antique prints and model hearses, photographs and postcards. In addition, unique original documents, books that tell about embalming, for instance. Many aspects of ancient funerary culture represented in the form of installations, dioramas scene, such as taking orders in the burial office or sewing mourning dress.
Noteworthy, the founder has spent about 14 million dollars of private funds to organize the museum. According to the creators of the museum, they plan to arrange traveling exhibitions in other cities in Russia and abroad.

“The concept of our museum – it is not raising interest in the death and admiration for it. This is tactful and detailed account of the forms of remembrance, reverence for the forms of the ancestors. By and large, it is a museum of cultural memory,” – says the museum’s director Tatiana Yakushina.
Museum of World Funeral Culture in Siberia