Nastya Shpagina Ukrainian living doll
Beauty Life style

Nastya Shpagina Ukrainian living doll

Nastya Shpagina Ukrainian living doll
The creepy image of a doll. Nastya Shpagina Ukrainian living doll

Nastya Shpagina Ukrainian living doll
In Odessa, Ukraine, lives a real life Barbie doll – 19-year-old Anastasia Shpagina. She is actually the biggest fan of well-known Russian freak Valeria Lukyanova (b. 1985). There was a TV talk – show on Russian TV, where some “Barbies” were invited alongside with their mothers. Lenses, over-sized eyes to give the appearance of cuteness and innocence with cupid bow lips and a porcelain complexion – real-life Barbies attracted much attention. Thousands of girls around the world have shown interest in these girls, wanting to look like them. Nastya or Anastasia admitted that she began using make up at the age of 7. Despite criticism, Valeria and Nastya’s mothers enthusiastically approve their daughters’ lifestyle. In fact, they themselves started following their daughters. The movement of creepy Barbie clones is growing … Living doll-look is going global.

Nastya Shpagina in Japan, 2013
Wearing kimono. Nastya Shpagina in Japan, 2013
Nastya Shpagina
Looks alien, Nastya Shpagina – Ukrainian living doll
Nastya Shpagina
Doing make up Nastya Shpagina

Scientists, doctors warn that too much emphasis on physical appearance from an early age could have disastrous consequences, encouraging anxiety, depression and eating disorders, later in life.

Nastya Shpagina
She is able to frighten just with her appearance
at the TV program
During the talk – show

Barbie has a toxic influence on female children who can’t tell the reality from illusions, because the doll sends the wrong message to female children who mistake the anatomically fantastic Barbie dolls as the true ideal of beauty. People can’t tell the reality from illusions

Nastya Shpagina
Weird image of Nastya, living doll

Nastya Shpagina Ukrainian living doll

Nastya Shpagina Ukrainian living doll
Ukrainian living doll
Nastya Shpagina Ukrainian living doll
Proud mother and her daughter, on TV show
Nastya Shpagina Ukrainian living doll
19 year-old Shpagina, influenced by her 27 year-old friend Valeriya Lukyanova (right)
Nastya Shpagina Ukrainian living doll
Famous in Ukraine, Shpagina
Nastya Shpagina Ukrainian living doll
Nastya Shpagina Ukrainian living doll
Portrait of Nastya
Nastya Shpagina Ukrainian living doll
Her nose looks plastic, really funny
Nastya Shpagina Ukrainian living doll
It turned out, they are not friends any more. The reason is simple – envy and greed. Nastya doesn’t like Valeria to earn more money for interviews, and Valeria doesn’t like the growing popularity of her younger friend
Nastya Shpagina Ukrainian living doll
Photo-shop and make up – the secret of doll face
Nastya Shpagina Ukrainian living doll
Nastya Shpagina Ukrainian living doll
Nastya Shpagina Ukrainian living doll
Wearing doll clothes and living doll life Nastya Shpagina
Nastya Shpagina Ukrainian living doll
Creepy images of Nastya Shpagina flooded the internet
Nastya Shpagina Ukrainian living doll
Here are former friends Nastya Shpagina and Dominika
Nastya Shpagina Ukrainian living doll
the process of turning into the doll
Nastya Shpagina Ukrainian living doll
New look
Nastya Shpagina Ukrainian living doll
Red colors of new image
Nastya Shpagina Ukrainian living doll
Reaction of public meeting Nastya
Nastya Shpagina Ukrainian living doll
Pink color lover. New image
Nastya Shpagina Ukrainian living doll
Doll girl
Nastya Shpagina Ukrainian living doll
Also Shpagina, before turning into a doll
The summit of barbie dolls. From left to right - Nastya Shpagina, Olga Oleinik (Dominika), Valeria Lukyanova (Amatue), and simply Barbie.
The summit of barbie dolls. From left to right – Shpagina, Olga Oleinik (Dominika), Valeria Lukyanova (Amatue), and simply Barbie
Nastya’s happy mother
Happy mother with her freak daughter
Irina Pashkeeva is turning into the living doll at her 49 (she was born September, 15, 1963), she looks even younger than her 27 year-old daughter thanks to photoshop
Now, meet one more proud mother – Irina Pashkeeva turned into living doll at her 49 (she was born September, 15, 1963 in Siberia), and she looks even younger than her 27 year-old daughter Valeria Lukyanova, thanks to Photoshop
Irina Pashkeeva with her daughter Valeria, in 2005, before turning into the doll
Irina Pashkeeva with her daughter Valeria, in 2005, before turning into the doll
Irina Pashkeeva, Valeria’s mother
Irina Pashkeeva, Valeria’s mother
Valeria Lukyanova on TV program
Looks nervous, Valeria Lukyanova on TV program
Tons of make-up to make eyes look huge
Nastya Shpagina Ukrainian living doll
Walking on the beach Nastya Shpagina
Nastya Shpagina Ukrainian living doll
Photo shop and make up create miracle
Melancholic living Barbie doll
Living doll life Nastya


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