Restless life of Falcons by photographer Robert Babisz

Restless life of Falcons by photographer Robert Babisz
A professional photographer from Glogow, Poland, Babisz’s most favorite genre of shooting – nature and wildlife. And in particular, birds of prey. Thus, he has created an amazing set of photographs taken in Krzekotowa, a small village in Glogowem of Lower Silesia. According to Robert, he has become interested in photography in 2005. Also, since 2010 he has focused on nature – Birds and Mammals, detailed photography.
By the way, as many birds of prey, falcons have exceptional powers of vision. Noteworthy, the visual acuity of one species – measured at 2.6 times that of a normal human. Besides, Peregrine falcons diving at speeds of 200 miles per hour (320 km/h), making them the fastest-moving creatures on Earth. In addition, the female falcons are typically larger than the males.

Falcons by photographer Robert Babisz