Restless life of Falcons by photographer Robert Babisz

Restless life of Falcons by photographer Robert Babisz

Restless life of Falcons by photographer Robert Babisz
The dialogue, amazing shot. Restless life of Falcons by photographer Robert Babisz

Restless life of Falcons by photographer Robert Babisz
A professional photographer from Glogow, Poland, Babisz’s most favorite genre of shooting – nature and wildlife. And in particular, birds of prey. Thus, he has created an amazing set of photographs taken in Krzekotowa, a small village in Glogowem of Lower Silesia. According to Robert, he has become interested in photography in 2005. Also, since 2010 he has focused on nature – Birds and Mammals, detailed photography.
By the way, as many birds of prey, falcons have exceptional powers of vision. Noteworthy, the visual acuity of one species – measured at 2.6 times that of a normal human. Besides, Peregrine falcons diving at speeds of 200 miles per hour (320 km/h), making them the fastest-moving creatures on Earth. In addition, the female falcons are typically larger than the males.

Restless life of Falcons by Polish photographer Robert Babisz
Three falcons, picture taken by Polish photographer Robert Babisz

Falcons by photographer Robert Babisz

Life of Falcons by Polish photographer Robert Babisz
Emotional birds of prey, Falcons
Dialogue. Restless life of Falcons by Polish photographer Robert Babisz
Argument, or a dialogue
Spread wings. Restless life of Falcons by Polish photographer Robert Babisz
In the steppe. What a beautiful bird!
Spread wings. Restless life of Falcons by Polish photographer Robert Babisz
Gorgeous shot, two birds spreading wings
Polish photographer Robert Babisz
The talk of two birds, everyday life of Falcons
Polish photographer Robert Babisz
A couple of Falcons
Polish photographer Robert Babisz
Always in movement, always in fight
Adult falcons have thin, tapered wings, which enable them to fly at high speed and change direction rapidly
Adult falcons have thin, tapered wings, which enable them to fly at high speed and change direction rapidly
Photographer Robert Babisz. Falcons are widely distributed on all continents of the world except Antarctica
Photographer Robert Babisz. Falcons – widely distributed on all continents of the world except Antarctica
Falcons kill with their beaks, using a “tooth” on the side of their beaks—unlike the hawks, eagles, and other birds of prey
These birds kill with their beaks, using a “tooth” on the side of their beaks—unlike the hawks, eagles, and other birds of prey
Flying falcons by Polish photographer Robert Babisz
Flying falcon
Nature photographer Robert Babisz captured the life of falcons
Nature photographer Babisz captured the life of falcons
Arguing couple of falcons. Restless life of Falcons by Polish photographer Robert Babisz
Arguing couple of falcons
A series of photographs “Restless life of Falcons” by Polish photographer Robert Babisz
From a series of nature inspired photographs
Robert Babisz, Polish nature photographer has created a series of photographs depicting the life of birds of prey
Robert Babisz, Polish nature photographer has created a series of photographs depicting the life of birds of prey
Beautiful Falcons by Polish photographer Robert Babisz
Beautiful Falcons