Roa painting beautiful realistic wildlife graffiti

Roa painting beautiful realistic wildlife graffiti

Roa painting beautiful realistic wildlife graffiti
The House in Johannesburg, South Africa. Roa painting beautiful realistic wildlife graffiti

Roa painting beautiful realistic wildlife graffiti

A young talented Belgian artist Roa (b. 1976 in Ghent, Belgium) is a recognized in the world master of creative street art. And among his latest creations is this beautiful mural on multistory House in Johannesburg, in South Africa. Before creating such a picturesque mural, ROA has carefully prepared for it. In particular, he studied a lot of “live” pictures of animals to reproduce their natural and rather peaceful poses. Besides, the artist usually paints wild/farm animals and birds that are native to the local area. As a rule, he uses a minimal color pallet like black, white and red. In addition, he uses vibrant colors depicting flesh and/or internal systems within the animals and birds. So, Roa travels around the world and leaves his creations in various cities, decorating sad gray constructions – walls, fences, pipes, with picturesque images. Indeed, such artists as Roa make our world a more beautiful place to live.

Roa's street art
Belgian graffiti artist Roa painting on the House in Johannesburg, in South Africa

Roa painting beautiful realistic wildlife graffiti

Large scale painting on the House in Johannesburg, in South Africa. Street art by Belgian graffiti artist Roa
Large scale painting on the House in Johannesburg
Rhinoceros, Elephants and giraffes decorate the wall of the House in Johannesburg, in South Africa. Roa painting beautiful realistic wildlife graffiti
Rhinoceros, Elephants and giraffes decorate the wall of the House in Johannesburg, in South Africa
Detail of graffiti art. House in Johannesburg, in South Africa. Street art by Belgian graffiti artist Roa
Detail of graffiti art. House in Johannesburg, in South Africa
A huge rabbit painted on the wall. New York City -Brooklyn. Street art by Belgian graffiti artist Roa
A huge rabbit painted on the wall. Brooklyn
Awesome image of Heron painted on the wall of one of the houses in Brooklyn. Street art by Belgian graffiti artist Roa
Awesome image of Heron painted on the wall of one of the houses in Brooklyn
Wonderful work of art – realistic wall painting of a bird on the wall. Brooklyn
Wonderful work of art – realistic wall painting of a bird on the wall. Brooklyn
Skeletons of prehistoric dinosaurs decorate the walls of a building in Brooklyn, between Morgan and Bogart street
Skeletons of prehistoric dinosaurs decorate the walls of a building in Brooklyn, between Morgan and Bogart street
Very often faceless and gloomy constructions become a canvas for street artist Roa
Very often faceless and gloomy constructions become a canvas
Street art on gloomy and ugly constructions created by Belgian graffiti artist Roa
Gloomy and ugly constructions decorated by Roa
Belgian graffiti artist Roa makes this world a beautiful place
Belgian graffiti artist Roa makes this world a beautiful place
Squirrel. Street art by Belgian graffiti artist Roa
Sleeping bears. One-of-a-kind Street art by Belgian graffiti artist Roa
Sleeping bears
Beautiful bird decorates the construction. Street art by Belgian graffiti artist Roa
Beautiful bird decorates the construction
Birds – the main inspiration for Belgian graffiti artist Roa
Birds – the main inspiration for Roa
Black raven painted on the wall. Street art by Belgian graffiti artist Roa
Black raven painted on the wall
Creation of Belgian graffiti artist Roa
Creation of graffiti artist Roa
Scary mouse – street art by Belgian graffiti artist Roa
Scary mouse
Under the bridge. Street art by Belgian graffiti artist Roa
Under the bridge
Behind the fence. Street art by Belgian graffiti artist Roa
Behind the fence
Street art by Belgian graffiti artist Roa
Street art by Roa
As Russian poet Vladimir Mayakovsky said, Streets – our brushes. Squares – our palettes
According to Russian poet Vladimir Mayakovsky, Streets – our brushes. Squares – our palettes
An image of a black crow decorates the construction
An image of a black crow decorates the construction
A little hare – large scale street painting by Belgian graffiti artist Roa
A little hare
Zaragoza. 5°Asalto – Mural Painting Festival. Street art by Belgian graffiti artist Roa
Zaragoza. 5°Asalto – Mural Painting Festival

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