Siberian is a strong and powerfully built cat, with strong hindquarters and large, well rounded paws

Powerfully built beautiful Siberian Cat

Powerfully built beautiful Siberian Cat. Siberian is a strong and powerfully built cat, with strong hindquarters and large, well rounded paws
Amazing cat, with strong hindquarters and large, well rounded paws. Powerfully built beautiful Siberian Cat

Powerfully built beautiful Siberian Cat
In fact, Siberian cat has lived in Russia for centuries. According to belief, the Siberian Cat is an ancient breed, and ancestral to all modern long-haired cats. Meanwhile, the locals call it the King of cats. Noteworthy, the cat has similarities with the Norwegian Forest Cat, and closely related to it. However, it is a natural breed and the national cat of Siberia.

The cat was first mentioned in a book by Harrison Wier, which included information of the earliest cat shows in England in 1871.
First mentioned in a book by Harrison Wier, which included information of the earliest cat shows in England in 1871

In the Russian cat fancy, each cat club devises its own cat standards. This fact led to much confusion in the USA and other countries when the first Siberians were arriving. Meanwhile, many appeared quite different from each other, depending on what area of Russia they originated from.

In fact, one of the earliest written Siberian standards appeared in published by the Kotofei cat club information, in St. Petersburg in 1987.

Interestingly, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev owns a Siberian cat, Dorofei. In addition, the former Soviet president Mikhail Gorbachev had the similar cat. Besides, WBZ-AM talk radio host Steve LeVeille mentioned his Siberian “Max” on his Boston-based program.

Powerfully built beautiful Siberian Cat

Siberians first arrived in the United States in 1990.
Siberians first arrived in the United States in 1990.
Siberians first arrived in the United States in 1990.
Stunning cats first arrived in the United States in 1990
Siberian Cat
The king of Cats
Siberian Cat
Sleeping on the snow
Siberian Cat
Siberian Cat
Adorable Cat
Siberian Cat
Strong and big
Siberian Cat
The King of Cats, undoubtedly
Siberian Cat
Native of Siberia, beautiful forest Cat
Siberian Cat
Perfection is real
Although gaining in popularity, the expense of importing the cats from Russia keeps the breed relatively rare outside of Europe.
Although gaining in popularity, the expense of importing the cats from Russia keeps the breed relatively rare outside of Europe.

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