Careless women never appeal to gentlemen. Don’t talk while dancing, for when a man dances he wants to dance. Still useful Tips for Single Women 1938
Still useful Tips for Single Women 1938
Undoubtedly, a little modesty is a good thing. In fact, Feminism has brought great gains for women in the workplace. However, things have gone too far in personal relationships because a lot of women try to be ‘one of the guys.’ Also, there is nothing wrong with showing your date the respect he, or any human being, deserves by listening to what he has to say. Not putting him down, ridiculing him, or trying to act superior. Anyway, to give advice is easier than to follow it.
Do your dressing in your boudoir to keep your allure. Be ready to go when date arrives; don’t keep him waiting. Greet him with a smile
Still useful Tips for Single Women 1938
Don’t be conspicious talking to other men. The last straw is to pass out from too much liquor. Chances are your date will never call you againDon’t be familiar with the headwaiter talking about the fun you had with someone else another time. Men deserve, desire your entire attentionDon’t be familiar with your escort by caressing him in public. Any open show of affection is in bad taste, usually embrasses or humilates himDon’t be sentimental or try to get him to say something he doesn’t want to by working on his emotions. Men don’t like tears, especially in public placesDon’t drink too much, as a man expects you to keep your dignity all evening. Drinking may make some girls seem clever, but most get sillyDon’t drink too muchDon’t sit in awkward positions – and never look bored, even if you are. Be alert, and if you must chew gum (not advised), do it silently, mouth closedDon’t talk about clothes or try to descri be your new gown to a man. Please and flatter your date by talking about the things he wants to talk aboutDon’t use the car mirror to fix your make-up. Men needs it in driving, and it annoys him very much to have turn around to see what’s behind himIf you need a brassiere, wear one. Don’t tug at your girdle, and be careful your stockings are not wrinkledMen don’t like girls who borrow their handkerchief and smuggle them with lipstick. Makeup in privacy, not where he sees you