Tombstones funny epitaphs

Tombstones funny epitaphs
Oddly enough, bome tombstones are far from eternal sadness. They contain funny gravestone epitaphs, and I believe they are real, from people with a great sense of humor. For example, 22-year-old Tomas Jimoteo Chinchilla, who left this world too early for his age. Meanwhile, all he gained – bad reputation which remains visible on his grave stone. “Rest in peace. Now you are in Lord’s arms. Lord, watch your wallet…”
Surfing the net I have found some more funny epitaphs from real tombstones:
Here lies
Ezekial Aikle
Age 102
The Good Die Young.
(East Dalhousie Cemetery, Nova Scotia)
Here lies an Atheist
All dressed up
And no place to go.
(Thurmont cemetery, Maryland)
Here lies Ann Mann,
Who lived an old maid
But died an old Mann.
Dec. 8, 1767
(London cemetery, England)
The children of Israel wanted bread
And the Lord sent them manna,
Old clerk Wallace wanted a wife,
And the Devil sent him Anna.
(Ribbesford cemetery, England)
Here lies the body
of Jonathan Blake
Stepped on the gas
Instead of the brake.
(Memory of an accident in a Uniontown, Pennsylvania cemetery)
Here lays Butch,
We planted him raw.
He was quick on the trigger,
But slow on the draw.
(Silver City cemetery, Nevada)
Sacred to the memory of
my husband John Barnes
who died January 3, 1803
His comely young widow, aged 23, has many
qualifications of a good wife, and yearns to be comforted.
(Vermont cemetery, A widow’s epitaph)
Sir John Strange
Here lies an honest lawyer,
And that is Strange.
(A lawyer’s epitaph in England)
I was somebody.
Who, is no business
Of yours.
(Stowe cemetery, Vermont)
“I told you I was sick!”
(Georgia cemetery)
In Memory of Beza Wood
Departed this life Nov. 2, 1837 – Age 45 yrs.
Here lies one Wood
Enclosed in wood
One Wood
Within another.
The outer wood
Is very good:
We cannot praise
The other.
(To Mr. Wood, Winslow cemetery, Maine)
To Harry Edsel Smith of Albany
Born 1903 – Died 1942
Looked up the elevator shaft to see if the car was on the waydown. It was.
(New York cemetery)
Tombstones funny epitaphs