Unknown Anton Chekhov
Unknown Anton Chekhov
Prominent Russian short-story writer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov did not like to write about himself. The great writer even said that he had autobiographobia. And since Chekhov was a doctor by profession, he knew that this was a disease. It is known that Chekhov often wrote under pseudonyms, he had over fifty of them. The most famous – My brother’s brother, Antosha Chekhonte, Schiller Shakespearovich Gotte, Man without a spleen, Doctor without patients. Of all writers Anton Chekhov is the most filmed.
In Germany, in the town of Badenweiler, in which Chekhov died, was erected monument to the writer. But during the first World War the monument was destroyed at one of the military factories.
Interestingly, even on the island of Ceylon, Sri Lanka in far away country, there is the Museum of Anton Chekhov. At one time, returning to Odessa from the island of Sakhalin, the Russian novelist lived for one week at the Grand Oriental Hotel, located in the capital of the Colombo island. Owners of the hotel have kept the room of the writer as it was during his stay.
It is known, when astronauts fly into space, being in isolation for a long time, they have psychological tensions. So, to organize a psychological discharge, the Russian cosmonauts are given stories of Anton Chekhov.
Anton Pavlovich Chekhov was a philatelist and for a long time had been collecting stamps. In his collection there were stamps of many countries of the world. Including Russia, Austria, France, Germany, Switzerland, Hungary, Finland, Britain, Greece, Japan, the United States, Belgium, Italy and Sweden.
The name of the writer was given to asteroid, astronomers gave his name to one of the craters on Mercury. The name of the writer has one of the American Publishing Houses, based in New York, as well as numerous educational institutions. The famous Playhouse THEATER (former MOSCOW ART THEATER), which for the first time on a stage set plays of a writer who also has the name of Chekhov. And there are thousands monuments around the world devoted to him.
Unknown Anton Chekhov