White angel Eminem
White angel Eminem
Marshall returned home when the police have slammed the door of armored van, and the place was checked by criminologists. Clicked the camera. Marshall was asked to wait in the garden, but even from this place he could see the blood-stained kitchen floor and the prone body of the dead on it. That’s how disgusting spring began in 2012. While he drove his daughter to the airport, who was going away on vacation to Europe, robbers got into his house. But the alarm went off, and the criminals, unable to profit, were trapped. Quickly came the police, surrounded the garden and blocked all exits, but the robbers stubbornly refused to give up, and opened fire. As a result, all ground floor windows were broken, the walls were pierced by bullets, and one of the thieves who was fatally wounded, died on the kitchen floor. Later cars had departed, all voices and sounds died away, he finally stayed alone in the house, which became a stranger to him. How many of these bloody carnage he filmed in his videos, for what critics considered him a schizophrenic and psychotic.
He spent his childhood in Detroit. Murder and robbery occurred daily. Marshall, while still a schoolboy, the only white in the black grade school, subjected to constant abuse. There was no one to complain to – his father left the family, and they had to live for a long time in traveling trailer. Mother Debbie, the waitress, tried to somehow raise two young sons – Marshall and newborn Nathan Marshall. Father of a newborn baby Fred, hid from child support. Debbie never spoke kind words to her sons, and Marshall doubted whether she loved them at all. Marshall seemed to be held personally responsible for the escaped men and poverty. Marshall faced not only problems with his mother, he still had his own personal hell, called School Dort.
He knew that annoyed everyone with his skin color. In the morning, at the school entrance he was taken sandwiches and dumped out of the pockets of small change. During the breaks in the toilet he was beaten so that he fell face down the toilet. Once at the entrance to the school, his arch-enemy Fat Boar D’Angelo found hidden by Marshall sandwich. This raged Bailey – he began to beat Marshall’s head against the pavement. He stopped only when the blood flowed from his ears. Marshall spent five days in a coma. The body was sewn up in several places, and covered with bruises. Marshall decided that he would never return to the old school, and will not allow anyone to beat himself.
Soon after Marshall left the hospital, his mother solemnly declared that she got a job in another city, agreed to a rented apartment, and they were going to Detroit right then.
In his new school, no one touched him, Marshall changed. Now, in response to any sideways glance in his direction or insulting remark, he answered with his fists.
In the new school Marshall found friends. Marshall met with Kim – Kimberly Scott, who saw him as her protector. Marshall became cool. Black friends who were once bitter enemies, now called Marshall “white angel”. They invited him to their party and asked him to read his poems that sounded like continuous stream of tears and swear words, heart-rending cries and threats. Yes, Marshall began to write rap, finding the most suitable form of expression for himself.
His fate changed unexpectedly. On the floor of the garage of his friend iconic producer Dr. Dre accidentally found a cassette that was sent by Marshall. Eminem, Fifty St. and Dr. Dre. New York, 2004
His aggressive stories resonated immediately. A whole generation that’s the same boys who recognized themselves in his songs. Eminem received the highest critical acclaim, becoming an Oscar winner and 13 prestigious Grammy Awards.
His life was filmed in Hollywood feature 2002 film “8 Mile,” and he played it himself, and Kim Basinger – his mother. Eminem CDs were sold in millions of copies.
Stars of the first magnitude, such as Sir Elton John, considered it an honor to sing a duet with him. Well, for the extreme brutality of the content of the texts, he even got to the 58th place in the black list of the “100 people who make America a hostile.”
Curiously, the same Bold Boar Bailey, who tormented Eminem at school turned into a dry cleaning business and a drunkard. He decided to earn at Marshall. He sued Eminem for public insults at him in the song Brian Damage, which became a hit. He demanded a million dollars for moral damages, but the judge ultimately dismissed the action.
He did not want to release their debut album under his real name. The initials M in M (Marshall Mathers) sounded better. So there was Eminem.
In an old house of Meadow Brook Hall for the second time Eminem has celebrated his wedding to Kim, solemnly and lush. But it did not save their marriage. Kim left her husband as he lay in a drug treatment clinic.
Beggar Marshall suddenly became rich, first he bought clothes, houses, various trinkets, and then the money went to drugs and alcohol.
He diligently paid for the studies of his stepbrother, expensive treatment for the mother – first from alcohol and then from cancer. Raised not only his daughter, but also adoption niece Amanda, his wife’s sister’s daughter. After leaving the hospital, Marshall issued a divorce from Kim, who left him while he was treated, and a court has made sole custody of his daughters.
He bought a new house, learned to cook, clean, do laundry, becoming for girls not only a father but also the mother. Then, as imperceptibly, he was forty. While he is alone and being lonely suits him.
He continued to write, but his music also took cure, the dirty words and complaints were replaced by the words “do not give up, do not be afraid, you’re strong.” He was tired of the war. Is it because he saw a corpse on the kitchen floor, Marshall felt disgust? Enough blood. Today, he just wants to live. Tomorrow Marshall finds a new home, will carry daughters. It’s good that they have not seen it.
White angel Eminem
source kinopoisk.ru, scanned from magazine “7 days”