Albert Einstein's complete archive available online
Life style

Albert Einstein’s complete archive available online

Albert Einstein's complete archive available online
The documents — everything from personal letters to scientific manuscripts – Albert Einstein’s complete archive available online

Albert Einstein’s complete archive available online
Now, we will have access to one of the greatest minds of the 20th century! This should be very cool. Einstein was an amazing man and not only was he brilliant, but he also understood people well (just look at all the quotes available from him). Fortunately, Albert Einstein’s complete archive is gradually becoming available through the Einstein Archives Online. The site’s gallery offers viewers a peak at Einstein’s high school certification, which he received upon finishing high school at 16 in 1896. It turns out Einstein was an excellent student, not a terrible one, as often said. However, according to the archives, he left because he couldn’t handle the strict discipline and authority.

Albert Einstein (14 March 1879 – 18 April 1955)
Portrait photo of Einstein (14 March 1879 – 18 April 1955)

The documents held by the Albert Einstein Archives at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and at the Einstein Papers Project at the California Institute of Technology.

Albert Einstein’s complete archive available online

Albert Einstein’s complete archive available online
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Albert Einstein’s complete archive available online
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photo by Paul Ehrenfest – Einstein in 1930, with Niels Bohr, at the Solvay convention
Albert Einstein’s complete archive available online
Playing the violin
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Albert Einstein’s complete archive available online
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