Burnt Matchsticks by Stanislav Aristov

Burnt Matchsticks by Stanislav Aristov

Burnt Matchsticks by Stanislav Aristov
Series of photographs Burnt Matchsticks by Stanislav Aristov

Burnt Matchsticks by Stanislav Aristov
Stanislav Aristov is a creative photographer from Yekaterinburg, Russia. The real artist sees art even in simple things. One day he noticed a miracle while matchstick was burning in his hand, this inspired him to create a series of charming photos of tiny fires “around the beautifully curved burnt matches”, he finished the process in Photoshop, the result turned out to be incredibly beautiful.

Russian photo artist Stanislav Aristov
Russian photo artist Stanislav Aristov

Aristov has created a whole collection of photos with matches in the title role. Familiar parts of everyday life – matches magically transformed into planes, flowers, Eiffel Tower, snail, cheerful dragonfly. Stanislav Aristov lives and works in Yekaterinburg. On the Internet the artist is better known under the nickname Pol Tergejst. According to Aristov, he also used Photoshop. Meanwhile, the number of his fans reached over 10,000 people, and people like everything that the photo artist creates.

Burnt Matchsticks by Stanislav Aristov
A heart

Burnt Matchsticks by Stanislav Aristov

Burnt Matchsticks by Stanislav Aristov
Eiffel Tower
Burnt Matchsticks by Stanislav Aristov
A tulip. Burnt Matchsticks
Burnt Matchsticks by Stanislav Aristov
Christmas tree made with burnt Matchsticks
Burnt Matchsticks by Stanislav Aristov
Black dragonfly
Burnt Matchsticks by Stanislav Aristov
Bowstring and arrow, burnt matchsticks
Burnt Matchsticks by Stanislav Aristov
Lizard made of Burnt Matchsticks
Burnt Matchsticks by Stanislav Aristov
A spider
Burnt Matchsticks by Stanislav Aristov
A flower made of burnt Matchsticks
Burnt Matchsticks by Stanislav Aristov
A crawling snail
Burnt Matchsticks by Stanislav Aristov
Chess figure
Burnt Matchsticks by Stanislav Aristov
A plant
Burnt Matchsticks by Stanislav Aristov
A sunflower
Burnt Matchsticks by Stanislav Aristov
A guitar
Burnt Matchsticks by Stanislav Aristov
Burnt Matchsticks by Stanislav Aristov
A sailing boat
Burnt Matchsticks by Stanislav Aristov
A cross
Burnt Matchsticks by Stanislav Aristov
A swan
Burnt Matchsticks by Stanislav Aristov
An apple of burnt matchsticks
Burnt Matchsticks by Stanislav Aristov
Burnt Matchsticks by Stanislav Aristov
A flying bee
Burnt Matchsticks by Stanislav Aristov
A star
