New York Public Library Archive photographs Egypt 1870
Art Life style

New York Public Library Archive photographs Egypt 1870

New York Public Library Archive photographs Egypt 1870
Pictures created from the 17th to the 20th century. Revealed by New York Public Library Archive photographs Egypt 1870

New York Public Library Archive photographs Egypt 1870
Ancient historical monuments and the Biblical world opened to us thanks to New York Public Library Archive.
In fact, it all began in 1839, when French academic Francois Arago (1786-1853) mastered the new technology at that time. According to him, in order to “save time and effort and not to copy characters by hand”. In particular, he completely covered the historical monuments in Thebes, Memphis, Karnak and other places. Thanks to The New York Public Library, who has published an archive, now we have opportunity to enjoy it. Noteworthy, the gallery consists of 9000 photographs and illustrations on the theme of the Middle East, made from the 17th to the 20th century.

Alexandria. Egypt 1870
Late 19th century Alexandria. Unique series of photographs by New York Public Library Archive

New York Public Library Archive photographs Egypt 1870

Cairo Fortress and Mosque Mohammed Ali Pasha. Egypt in retro photographs of 1870
Made in the 19 century picture depicts Cairo Fortress and Mosque Mohammed Ali Pasha
Cairo, Azbakii gardens. Egypt in retro photographs of 1870
Decorating the capital Azbakii gardens
Mosque of al-Muayyada in Cairo. Egypt in retro photographs of 1870
Mosque of al-Muayyada located in the capital
Mukattam the mosque of al-Giyushi in Cairo. Egypt in retro photographs of 1870
Located in Cairo Mukattam the mosque of al-Giyushi
Al-Azhar Mosque of al-Azhar in Cairo. Egypt in retro photographs of 1870
Al-Azhar Mosque of al-Azhar in the capital
Camels in the desert. Egypt in retro photographs of 1870
Camels in the desert
Climbing the pyramid. Egypt in retro photographs of 1870
Climbing the pyramid
Karnak, Temple of Tuthmosis III. Egypt in retro photographs of 1870
Karnak, Temple of Tuthmosis III
Luxor colonnade. Egypt in retro photographs of 1870
Famous Luxor colonnade
Luxor temple, the statues of Ramses. Egypt in retro photographs of 1870
Luxor temple, the statues of Ramses
Pyramid of Saqqara. Egypt in retro photographs of 1870
Saqqara Pyramid
Pyramids of Giza and the tombs of Bedouins. Egypt in retro photographs of 1870
Pyramids of Giza and the tombs of Bedouins
Sphinx and the pyramids of Chephren and Mankaura, Giza. Egypt in retro photographs of 1870
Sphinx and the pyramids of Chephren and Mankaura, Giza
Statue of Ramses II, Lower Egypt. Egypt in retro photographs of 1870
Statue of Ramses II
The road to Giza. Egypt in retro photographs of 1870
The road to Giza
The road to the pyramids of Giza. Egypt in retro photographs of 1870
The road to the pyramids of Giza
Thebes, the Ramesseum, the statue of Osiris. Egypt in retro photographs of 1870
Thebes, the Ramesseum, the statue of Osiris
Tombs of the Caliphs, Lower Egypt. Egypt in retro photographs of 1870
Retro photo. Tombs of the Caliphs, Lower Egypt
View of the pyramids of Giza. Egypt in retro photographs of 1870
Stunning view of the pyramids of Giza

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