Sculptures by Vadim Borovykh

Sculptures by Vadim Borovykh
The above sculpture depicts an electrician who saves a cat that climbed the pole and can not go down itself. The author of the composition – a talented Russian artist with good sense of humor and love for nature Vadim Borovykh. Made in honor of the 50th anniversary of the local organization “Svyazstroy”, the sculpture appeared in the square in front of Polytechnic College, Builders square, Veliky Novgorod, Russia. Besides, the sculpture was made by order and the means of patron Nikolai Sumarokov, Russian mecenate and for his money.
The bronze sculpture “A Tourist” (or “Novgorodochka”) created by means of patron Sumarokov NA, who gave it to the city. The sculpture is installed in the center of Veliky Novgorod, near the pedestrian bridge over the Volkhov River.
Sculptures by Vadim Borovykh