Fabien Merelles sculpture
Fabien Merelles sculpture
Paris based artist Fabien Merelle turned imagination into reality in his art work, erasing the line between possible and impossible. His detailed creation Pentateuque attracted much attention from viewers. Fabien Merelle’s sculpture depicts a man who balances the weight of an elephant on his back. The figure seems ambitious and large, though in fact its size is small – 76x69x30 cm. The sculpture was created by the drawing signed “carrying weight of the world on his shoulders.”
Fabien Merelle loves the shadowy world of tales. He re-entered it by rediscovering his childhood drawings which had been carefully preserved. He completed it with his experience and his imagination. The dream can easily turn to nightmare when it shows a young man of 29 years, with hardened and emaciated features, suffering from the attack of a trunk which invades and devours his body. This ain’t no Disney cartoon.
Following the unrolling of a dream, playing with the free association of shapes and ideas, he seems to say that everything is transforming, metamorphing, opening itself to the most diverse interpretations…
Fabien Merelles sculpture