Glass insect sculptures by Wesley Fleming

Glass insect sculptures by Wesley Fleming

Wesley Fleming glass insects
Green frog. American artist Wesley Fleming glass insects

Wesley Fleming glass insects
Niche Awards Finalist, 2012 American artist Wesley Fleming makes very intricate insect sculptures. In particular, spiders, scorpions, mantis and grasshopper, bees and wasp figurines, ants and snails. All – made entirely from glass.
Born in Pennsylvania, he spent his days exploring the space beneath logs and rocks studying the shapes and colors of the natural world. And the result is stunning – he tries to capture and mimic an actual species with intricate detail on the tiny limbs and thorax. Also, in some cases he creates fantastical creatures in rich color palette. According to Wesley Fleming, he finds great joy in sculpting glass, regardless of the end result.

Glass insect sculptures by American artist Wesley Fleming

Iguana. Glass insect sculptures by American artist Wesley Fleming
Funny turtle. Glass insect sculptures by American artist Wesley Fleming
Funny turtle
Colorful snake. Glass insect sculptures by American artist Wesley Fleming
Colorful snake
Octopus. Glass insect sculptures by American artist Wesley Fleming
Lady-bug. Glass insect sculptures by American artist Wesley Fleming
Cobra. Glass insect sculptures by American artist Wesley Fleming
Grasshopper. Glass insect sculptures by American artist Wesley Fleming
Bee. Glass insect sculptures by American artist Wesley Fleming
Lizard. Glass insect sculptures by American artist Wesley Fleming
Dragonfly. Glass insect sculptures by American artist Wesley Fleming
Ant. Glass insect sculptures by American artist Wesley Fleming
Scorpio. Glass insect sculptures by American artist Wesley Fleming
Wasp. Glass insect sculptures by American artist Wesley Fleming
Mantis religiosa. Glass insect sculptures by American artist Wesley Fleming
Mantis religiosa
Fly. Glass insect sculptures by American artist Wesley Fleming
Red ant. Glass insect sculptures by American artist Wesley Fleming
Red ant
Snail. Glass insect sculptures by American artist Wesley Fleming
Snail. Glass insect sculpture
Beautiful snail. Glass insect sculptures by American artist Wesley Fleming
Beautiful snail
Funny frog. Unique hand-made glass sculptures by American artist Wesley Fleming
Funny frog

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