Incredible transformation of Sarah Clancy
Beauty Life style

Incredible transformation of Sarah Clancy

Incredible transformation of Sarah Clancy
“Seeing your ex boy friend with a thinner woman helps”. Incredible transformation of Sarah Clancy

Incredible transformation of Sarah Clancy

Interestingly, for Sarah Clancy a humiliating run in with a former boyfriend proved to be the best thing that ever happened to her. Because seeing him with a much slimmer woman left her feeling so humiliated that she vowed to lose weight and has since gone from a size 16 weighing 15 stone to a super toned size six. And now, beautiful brunette Sarah, 28, from London says she has a lot to thank her ex boy friend for and says she has never been happier. “It’s been two years since that embarrassing moment and my body is completely transformed”. Indeed, she is slimmer and more toned than ever. Besides, she dresses how she wants and she’s so confident, nothing at all like the woman she used to be. According to Sarah, seeing your ex with a thinner woman helps.

Sarah Clancy
During her pregnancy Sarah ballooned from 10 stone to 14 stone and after her daughter was born continued eating for two

Incredible transformation of Sarah Clancy

Sarah Clancey
Brunette beauty Sarah Clancey (28) of London. She lost 7 stone in weight after seeing her ex boyfriend with a much slimmer woman. Sarah with her new to die for toned figure
Sarah Clancey
It’s a miracle, Sarah vowed to lose weight, and was able to keep it. Incredible transformation
Sarah Clancey
Gorgeous brunette, who looks like a celebrity. Well done, Sarah
Sarah Clancey
Happy, as never before. Incredible transformation of British ex-wife
Sarah Clancey
Partying her Incredible transformation, Clancy. She dresses how she wants and she’s so confident, nothing at all like the woman she used to be


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