Sarah Ezekiel painting with eyes

Sarah Ezekiel painting with eyes
Mother-of-two Sarah Ezekiel, 46, is the paralyzed painter who was diagnosed with motor neurone disease 12 years ago. Sarah uses her computer “Tobii Eyegaze” to talk, email, book appointments and contact friends and family. The most amazing she creates masterpieces controlling the mouse cursor with her eye movements. The paintings have become such a success that she now has her own exhibition.

‘I was happily married with a beautiful little girl and pregnant with my much longed for second child. I was healthy, fit and enjoying my pregnancy. I couldn’t have asked for more. ‘Then in February 2000, I noticed some weakness in my left arm and my speech was slurring. Two months later I had a definite diagnosis of motor neurone disease. It happened that quickly and I was absolutely terrified.

Ms Ezekiel is now a single, disabled parent who is totally dependent on carers for everything. She never expected her life to change so tragically and it took her years to see anything positive about the situation. She currently has full custody of her two children, 15-year-old Aviva and Eric, 12.

Ms Ezekiel creates the pictures from scratch, often taking inspiration from other images she has discovered online, or pictures she has been sent. Ms Ezekiel sells her paintings in order to raise money for people like herself who need this technology to get by day-to-day.

She has set up a not-for-profit organization so that any money she makes from painting with her eyes can buy another person with motor neurone disease a Tobii Eyegaze computer. For every one that she donates, the company will match it.
Sarah Ezekiel painting with eyes
