The most prestigious award Nobel Prize medal, designed by Gustav Vigeland, the back side of it contains three naked men hold their hands on each other shoulders
Life style

Nobel Prize medal and other interesting facts

Nobel Prize medal and other interesting facts. The most prestigious award Nobel Prize medal, designed by Gustav Vigeland, the back side of it contains three naked men hold their hands on each other shoulders
The most prestigious award Nobel Prize medal, designed by Gustav Vigeland. The back side of it contains three naked men hold their hands on each other shoulders. Nobel Prize medal and other interesting facts

Nobel Prize medal and other interesting facts
Designed by Gustav Vigeland, Nobel Prize medal became the most prestigious award. Meanwhile, the back side of it contains three naked men holding their hands on each other shoulders. In fact, it symbolizes the International fraternal bond, with the inscription “Pro pace et fraternities gentium”. This means “For the peace and brotherhood of men.”

A violin contains about 70 separate pieces of wood
Noteworthy, a violin contains about 70 separate pieces of wood

Nobel Prize medal and other interesting facts

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