Picturesque Tunnel of Love

Picturesque Tunnel of Love
Called by the locals “Tunnel of Love” the green tunnel of trees is especially beautiful in spring and early summer. Naturally, in spring and summer the place becomes a real attraction for locals and visitors. However, the tunnel of trees grows not in the park, but at the railway. Meanwhile, the Tunnel of Love – one of those places in Ukraine, which has always attracted romantics and honeymooners. According to belief, a loving couple can make any wish, and if the love is real, then it will come true. And if all your wishes come true but you still have not found your other half, then you can walk here. On your own, or with friends, you can admire the impressive range of shades of green. Of course, the play of light and shadow and going into the dense thicket rails make this place a real inspiration for photographers.
Forest, formed the Tunnel of Love, stretches for about one kilometer. Railway itself stretches for 3 km and connects the village Klevan with Orzhevsk woodworking plant. The sculptor of the tunnel is the train that breaks growing branches of trees and keeps the tunnel in such a beautiful state.
The prettiest “Tunnel of Love” appears in the summer and early autumn, when there are lots of leaves on the trees. After a good snowfall dense forest also looks very mysterious. In Klevan there’s also a beautiful XV century castle, which can be visited with a guided tour. They say the castle is the home for ghosts.
Picturesque Tunnel of Love