Mysterious tunnel of seashells in England

Mysterious tunnel of seashells in England
located in the seaside town of Margate, Shell Grotto is one of the most mysterious sights in the UK. However, its origin remains a mystery. Discovered back in 1835, the grotto is a tortuous underground corridor. Its length is more than 20 meters and the walls decorated with 4.6 million shells. According to sources, it was Englishman James Newlove, who discovered this unique monument of architecture quite accidentally. In particular, when he scooped an artificial pond for ducks. First, his son Joshua explored the mysterious tunnel. Then, he told his father about the mysterious tunnel, decorated with a mosaic of seashells.
James Newlove quickly realized that he had just managed to get lucky by the tail! Having equipped the grotto with gas lamps, three years later he opened his attraction to visit. The wave of tourists poured into the Margate. Noteworthy, before that even the locals did not know about the existence of such a gimmick, which had never been on the map.
As soon as the first visitors had visited the mysterious tunnel, immediately started debates about the origin of the Grotto shells. Some thought the grotto was one of the last “gifts” of antiquity, others saw it as a place of secret sect. Strange mosaic, each in its own way deciphered. Some saw hints of sacrificial altars, someone saw the intricate patterns of images of gods and goddesses were even versions that it is – the tree of life. Despite the abundance of versions, none of them have not been fully proven.
Decoration on the walls and ceiling took about 4.6 million shell clams, oysters and mussels. Unfortunately, the workers damaged part of the decorations during light installation. In addition, a bomb attack damaged the grotto during the Second World War. Today grotto shells has been completely renovated, open for visitors.
Mysterious tunnel of seashells in England
