Chess game between the Red Army (black) and the Red Fleet (white). July 20, 1924. Retro photographs of Russia
Retro photographs of Russia
Live Chess game between the Red Army (black) and the Red Fleet (white). July 20, 1924. Red Army soldiers and sailors in the role of pawns, the riders on horses in their squares, combat crew moving on the chessboard portrayed chess game by Peter Romanovsky and Ilya Rabinovich. It was the fifth such experience of promoting chess. In 1921 such chess games were held in Smolensk, Kerch, Omsk and Moscow. The party lasted 5 hours and ended in a draw. The place of live chess game – The Palace Square in Leningrad.
Chess game between the Red Army (black) and the Red Fleet (white). July 20, 1924.
Retro photographs of Russia
1915 Military Unit, LeisureAll in line to the Mausoleum, 1935Day of white daisies – the day of collection of contributions to the fight against tuberculosis, 1912confiscated Mitra, 1921Red Army soldiers endure church values, 1923. Closure of the Simonov Monastery in Moscow.Discontinued church bells, Zaporozhye, 1931Family of merchant Polenov. 1910. Shot during the Red Terror in 1918Fire-fighters, the Moscow fire brigade, 1913Horse tram, 1900, Pskov, Velikolutskaya street. photographer M.I.Gerasimov.The parade of inflatable houses on Red Square, 1931Nicholas 1894Flood in Moscow, 1927Nicholas Romanov in Japan, 1890removed from Kremlin eagles, 1935The attendant at the fungus, 1925, Photo by Arcady ShaikhtThe Fourth International Automobile Exhibition in St. Petersburg, 1913Women pulling the heavy boat on the Volga, 1900Mamlakat Nakhangova and Stalin
Mamlakat Nakhangova – participant of the Stakhanovite movement in the USSR. The youngest and the first holder of the pioneers of the highest order of the USSR – the Order of Lenin, who received it at the age of 11, for harvesting (collecting per day 70-80 pounds against the adult rate 13-15 kg). Author – Boris Ignatovich.