Unsolved mystery of Pokaini forest

Unsolved mystery of Pokaini forest
In Latvia, not far from Riga, there is perhaps, the most powerful anomalous zone in the world – Pokaini forest. On peculiarities of this place started talking immediately after the Riga researcher Ivar Wicks had told reporters about the strange weather anomalies in the forest and mysterious properties of its stones (in 1996). Soon, however, Wicks died of some unknown disease. So, the study of a strange place continued another scientist – Russian physicist Evgeny Sidorov.

As has been mentioned, Physics Sidorov investigated the mysterious forest. The terrain is hilly, and there are exactly thirty hills there. Foliage of oaks somehow grows on one side. But the most important thing – the local rocks. No one really can answer the question – where these weighty boulders appear from?
Meanwhile, the most popular legend has it that in ancient times, the pilgrims who came from all over Europe here, brought with them and left stones in the forest as a symbol of liberation from sin. It was even told that there were about thirty priests – Druids, each of them controlled the weather from his hill. Incidentally, the weather in Pokaiņi is always good. Even if nearby it is snowing or raining, over a magical forest – carefree sunshine.
Under one hill lies an object. Some say it is a radioactive meteorite, and others – an ancient tomb. By the way, the stones on the hill called Ziggurat, laid out in a specific order – are oriented to the cardinal points. It seems that once they served as a compass.
Meanwhile, archaeologists leading the excavation, didn’t find graves nearby. A local historian Janis Graduonis generally argues that the hypothesis of “holiness” of Pokaini forests – is nonsense – just simply peasants brought gathered from the fields stones here, or brought for the construction of the Prince’s castle, which was never built. However, to prove either that, or anyone else failed.
But a mystical side still remains unsolved, for example, how to explain that many of the stones are warm to the touch, and they obtain healing properties? Where des the heat come from? And why oaks look like pines?
Another oddity. This is a fact that the temperature in ancient forest is always higher than that of the environment: heat from below is distributed throughout the body, warming even in the bitter cold. A Pokaini oaks! Why are they all take for pine? Why do some branches with foliage grow almost on one side only? And why there’s absolutely no such beautiful sprawling oak crown? There are no answers. There is only a belief that this place is very different. And it was known about it for a long time.
Druids magicians, thirty of them controlled the weather, which over the place should not be bad. Now no one can argue that this tradition is not interrupted today. However, locals proudly tell visitors that over Pokaiņi clouds never gather, and the weather is always just fine.
There were about thirty priests – Druids, each of them controlled the weather from his hill
In Pokaiņi various instruments, clocks and compasses work incorrect. But the radiation, contrary to expectations, is in the normal range.
According to the American professor Jim Hurtok, who visited this region in the mid-70’s of the last century, NASA satellites recorded in the area inexplicable light. It was observed in a circle with a diameter of 350 kilometers, and the epicenter was in Pokaiņi. Energy field is a value not found anywhere else on Earth.
Scientists have repeatedly undertook to solve the puzzle and offered to blame the magnetic ore deposits and originating from them electromagnetic field. Perhaps this is so, or reason – in underground gas emissions and seismic activity. Who knows, maybe one day a mysterious place will open to people its secrets? And maybe they will continue to hold them, fearing to trust to humanity?
Unsolved mystery of Pokaini forest

From magazine “Чудеса и тайны планеты Земля”, 2009