Vladimir Putin Museum in Russia
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Vladimir Putin Museum in Russia

Vladimir Putin Museum in Russia
St. Petersburg based first museum dedicated to president, Vladimir Putin Museum in Russia

Vladimir Putin Museum in Russia
According to press, the first museum honoring Vladimir Putin Museum opens in Russia. In particular, the museum centered on Russian president is in Strelna, St Petersburg. This small museum is set up on one of the upper floors of Lindstrom Villa, owned by Oleg Rudnov, the boss of most of St Petersburg media outlets, and a close friend of Vladimir Putin. In return, Rudnov decided to turn one of the villa floors into a museum honoring Russia’s president.

The Museum currently features around 50 items, including one of his Judo kimonos, the helmet he wore during one of his pre-election flights, pens, ties and other memorabilia. Visitors can also admire several portraits of Putin, sketches and drawings.

Vladimir Putin Museum
Dedicated to Russian president Vladimir Putin museum

There’s even a holographic exhibit where people watch a virtual Putin reading a book, looking out the window, scratching his pet dog and then stare in the distance, for about 3 minutes.

Since Rudnov is a close friend of Vladimir Putin, he was able to get his hands on some pretty important items. In particular, the baseball bat he got from George W. Bush, or the Dostoevsky novels translated in German, a present from Angela Merkel.

Noteworthy, the most expensive item in the museum is a copy of the Russian constitution engraved in diamonds and rubies. Besides, among the most impressive – one of the windows from Putin’s grandmother’s house, for nostalgic reasons, of course.

The walls of the museum – decorated with several portraits of Putin, one of them represents a former head of state, surrounded by the leaders of G-7. Among Putin’s personal belongings, exhibited in the museum, his his flying helmet, in which he exercised campaign flights by plane. Also, ink pens, tie, in which Putin was speaking to the Federal Assembly in 2006. Besides, in the museum there are archive photographs from family albums, drawings and cartoons from his personal archives.

The first museum in honor of Vladimir Putin presents things, audio and photo records related to public activities as prime minister, and to privacy. As for 2010 Museum had about 50 things.

The picture painted by Putin, bought for 37 million, Malevich is cheaper. Picture “Pattern” (Uzor), which Prime Minister Vladimir Putin drew, was acquired by Moscow gallery “Our artists” for 37 million rubles, according Regions.Ru. Note that the price was higher than that for which in 2002 businessman Vladimir Potanin bought “Black Square” by Malevich. Then he bought one of the four versions of “square” at the Moscow auction “Gelos” for $ 1 million. For today it is about 32 million rubles.

The museum also exhibits gifts that were presented to Putin. For example, George Bush gave him his three baseball bats, and Angela Merkel – several volumes of Dostoevsky in German. The first museum in honor of Vladimir Putin presents things, audio and photo records related to public activities as prime minister, and to privacy. As for 2010 Museum had about 50 things.

Vladimir Putin Museum in Russia

Amateur mosaic portrait of Russian president Vladimir Putin
Amateur mosaic portrait of Russian president Putin
First mesum dedicated to Russian president Vladimir Putin
Judo kimono of Putin
First mesum dedicated to Russian president Vladimir Putin
Caricature portrait of Vladimir Putin
First mesum dedicated to Russian president Vladimir Putin
Judo team of Vladimir Putin
First mesum dedicated to Russian president Vladimir Putin
Archive photo from family album of Vladimir Putin
First mesum dedicated to Russian president Vladimir Putin
As for 2010 Museum had about 50 things
First mesum dedicated to Russian president Vladimir Putin
“Pattern”, or Uzor, Painting by Putin
First mesum dedicated to Russian president Vladimir Putin
Painting by Putin
First mesum dedicated to Russian president Vladimir Putin
Mosaic portrait of Putin made by amateur artist


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