November 16 Happy Button Day
November 16 Happy Button Day!
In fact, nobody knows exactly who and when created this holiday. And it means you can celebrate it today, however you want. First of all, November 16 is a fun day to collect, use, and just enjoy buttons. We even don’t know exactly who invented the button. According to some sources, it was the Greeks or the Romans. But according to others, made of ivory, the button came from Asia.
However, buttons became widespread only in the XIII century. And almost to the XVIII century were a sign of wealth and noble birth. Kings and aristocracy could afford to order buttons of gold and silver. At the beginning of the XVIII century buttons were mostly made of metal and copper. However, almost to the end of the XIX century buttons were so expensive that they alter from one garment to another.
American Artist Lisa Kokin makes fun artwork out of buttons and other miscellaneous objects. Some of the other items she uses include thread, rug canvas, waxed linen, imitation sinew and chicken wire. According to Lisa Kokin, she received her BFA and MFA from the California College of the Arts. She started using some buttons in her previous work, but they were never the primary material until recently. Meanwhile, Lisa has been sewing since childhood – her parents were upholsterers. And the stitch now plays a major role in her work.